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Discover the Discovery Yard at the VBS ECC

11/27/2017 02:37:08 PM


Discover the Discovery Yard at the VBS ECC

img_7013.jpgThe minute a child sets foot in the VBS ECC Discovery Yard, developmental growth ignites through joyful exploration. Our Acorns (two year olds) and Parent/Grandparent and me participants have the opportunity to explore all the exciting new areas of our recently revamped play yard outside rooms 109 and 110. Research shows that collaborative outdoor play is essential for your preschooler's growth and development. Studies prove that children who are involved in self-directed outdoor play are developing their gross motor, fine motor, language, cognitive, social/emotional and self-regulatory capacities.

Risks and challenges lead to self-confidence.
An inquisitive two year old climbs atop a tree stump and takes in the yard from his new heightened perspective.

Once he's done enjoying the view he confidently jumps down into the soft sand below and proudly announces, “I do it myself!”

Play is training for adulthood.
When two children enter the Discovery Yard's Mud Kitchen their imagination is sparked through conjuring up a mixture of mud, dirt, water and sand in pots and pans. Their small hands grip sticks and spoons and as they work on their recipe, their exchange of ideas encourages cooperative play.

img_7030.jpgThe opportunity to have immersive sensory experiences is the goal of the ECC Discovery Yard, a creative space designed by ECC preschool educators with decades of experience in Early Childhood Development. Every aspect of this yard is thoughtfully conceived and intentionally implemented to encourage children to take healthy, calculated risks under the watchful eyes of our teachers.

At first glance, the yard may seem like a mash-up of objects and traditional playground equipment. Look closer and you'll find authentic tools and natural materials including pine cones, rocks, water and live plants which inspire endless opportunities for imaginary play.

img_0336.jpgWhen children practice and master the physical challenges found in nature or a well curated playground, they learn to see themselves as competent and capable individuals.

Prepare your child for the path, not the path for the child.
“The greatest misconception is that messy is bad,” reports one of the Acorn class teachers. She explains that ‘messiness' opens up a relaxing space for self-discovery that may not be possible or practical in their home environment. She observes, “whole body exploration can get messy, but it opens up a space for discovery, creativity and self-expression.”

The Discovery Yard is an environment that invites inquiry.
Young children get comfortable with sensory play. They warm up to the feeling of sand between their toes or finger paint oozing between their fingers at their own, relaxed pace on the yard.

sandbox.pngSelf-sufficiency starts here on the Discovery Yard.
If a child takes a tumble or stubs a toe, a compassionate teacher is there to assess what they need to feel better. They'll often give the child the opportunity to build resiliency through self-evaluation. The confidence that grows from these moments is what the ECC Discovery Yard is all about.

Families are often surprised to see real pots and pans along with full sized tools and brooms on the yard. Preschoolers learn at an early age that a cast iron pan weighs more than a plastic one and requires different muscles to lift and carry. Learning to use a real hammer with careful guidance from a teacher provides children with personal empowerment that yields impressive results.

grandparent-and-me.pngThe Grandparent & Me classes offered through the ECC Infant-Toddler and Family Center also relish the opportunity to play in the Discovery Yard. “The learning embedded in these real life implements is so rewarding,” observes one grandparent who loves experiencing the Discovery Yard through the imaginative play of her granddaughter.

“Look how I did it carefully” is something we hear often from children quite proud of their mastery.

discovery-yard.pngOn the Discovery Yard, children hear YES far more than NO.
The children who take chances and succeed quickly become mentors and cheerleaders for their classmates. A willingness to try something new without fear has lifelong impact.

We invite you to discover the Discovery Yard and experience firsthand the pure joy that preschoolers from two to five years old feel every day.

Learn more at

"Sensory experience and outside play are so important to us as parents... Putting Liam in an environment that would stimulate his senses and give him some "real world" play would only empower him and further his growth and development into toddlerhood... Liam runs right in and goes straight to the yard and goes for the bikes, shovels, brooms, whatever he can get his hands on... Of course, he loves his classroom, but for Liam, his "happy place," is the discovery yard."

- Current Acorn Parent





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