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Welcome to Hazak!



  • August 4 at 8:30am: SAYVA Walk with the Rabbi (Ron Goldberg, LA Jewish Health), in collaboration with VBS Hazak.. RSVP Information Here.

  • August 18 at 3:00pm: SAYVA Special Event - "We Will Dance Again: Musical Response on Grief and Hope after October 7 in Israel", with Professor Mark Kligman. RSVP Here.

  • NEW OFFERING: August 29 at 10:00am: VBS Hazak Chair Yoga. More information and RSVP Here.

  • NEW OFFERING: September 5 at 10:00am: VBS Hazak Chair Yoga. More information and RSVP Here.

  • September 9 at 10:00am: OPENING DAY Hazak Monday with Cantor Jacqueline Rafii. "Awake, Awake, Strike Up the Chant: Lessons from our Women Prophets". Followed by choice of Torah Study with Clergy or Hot Topics Discussion Group with Alan Mandelberg.

  • September 23 at 10:00am: Hazak Monday. "Druze Voice for Israel" with Rania Dean; and "Pros and Cons of the November Ballot Measures" with Marsha Schwartz (League of Women Voters). Followed by Torah Study or Hot Topics Discussion Group.

  • HOLD THE DATES - First Semester Hazak Monday Schedule

    • September 9, 23
    • October 21
    • November 4, 18
    • December 2, 16
    • January 13, 27

Upcoming Events























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    • If you are a VBS member, be sure to check the Hazak box to renew your Hazak membership in your VBS Membership Renewal Packet at $36 per person for the year.
    • If you are not a VBS member, please renew now online at at $50 per person for the year.
    • If you are a VBS Premier member over age 65, your Hazak membership is included by request as part of your Premier membership. Please make that request.

Hazak Needs You!!

For the 2024-2025 year ahead, we need your help to participate and contribute to the following Committees in order to continue to see Hazak grow and thrive. Please review and respond for the groups you would like to be part of.
  • Member Affairs Team – join the team to welcome and sustain members, greet participants, outreach to possible members, contact members for special events. Leader: Louise Spitzer
  • Hazak Monday Programming Committee – come up with topics and speakers and help organize our ongoing Hazak Monday programming. Co-Chairs Sharon Bressler and Eileen Sudeck
  • Hazak Events/Activities Planning – help develop a calendar and program of events and activities such as field trips, tours, Hazak dinners, Jazz Nights, Game Days, exercise class, etc. Leaders include: Joel Hyatt, Lina Carmely, Roz Ross
  • Marketing & Communications Committee – work together to support and improve Hazak communications (eBlasts, emails, printed materials) and market and promote Hazak within and outside of VBS. Chair: Brian Link
  • Hazak SchmoozeLetter Editorial Team – contribute articles, photos, cartoons, memoirs, columns, or your proofreading skills to keep our fledgling newsletter going. Editor in Chief: Brian Link,
    Email to indicate your interest to get involved.

VBS Hazak (for 60+)

Over 22 years ago, Rabbi Harold Schulweis (z”l) challenged a group of senior VBS members to design a program for seniors that would establish a setting at VBS for learning, socializing, and fellowship.

That pioneering group of volunteers developed the basic structure for the program that continues and grows today. 

JOIN HAZAK - Click here

Hazak Annual Membership Fee
$36 for VBS Members
$50 for Non Members

Click here to become a Hazak member

Hazak members support the VBS Food Bank.

Bring donations to VBS each Hazak Monday.

QUESTIONS?  Call the VBS office at (818) 788-6000 or for additional information.

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784