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Performing Arts Academy: Grades 4-6

An Alternative Jewish Education Experience

The Etz Chaim Learning Center offers a theater-based experiential educational program for students in grades 4-6. The program focuses learning on a classic piece of Jewish literature, such as a Torah or Talmudic story. The study will emphasize the nature of the characters, the cultural and historical context of the story, and dramatic themes, such as relationships, family, leadership, loss, and hope. Integrated into the study is the working conception of transforming the story into a musical theater production (one per semester; two per year).


The goal of the program is to help students to help students enrich their artistic and dramatic interests into life skills through a genuine Jewish study and expression. The production will help to develop three sets of skills and knowledge: 1) Torah study – interpretation and synthesis; 2) artistic skills, including acting, singing, script-writing, set production, and costume design; and 3) interpersonal skills, including cooperation, team building, compromise, leadership, and project development.

Who Can Join

This program is open to the entire community. Membership to a synagogue is a prerequisite; if not a member at a synagogue, membership at VBS is required). For VBS members, participation in this program will satisfy the academic and hourly student requirements of the Etz Chaim Learning Center (a.k.a. Hebrew School)

When Does This Program Meet

Tuesdays 4:00-6:15 p.m. and Sundays 9:30-11:45 a.m.

For more information about the ECLC Performing Arts Academy contact the Etz Chaim Learning Center's Administrative office (818) 788-3584 or CLICK HERE to contact via e-mail. 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784