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We're Back! On the heels of the widely popular success of the "Ayekah Where are You?" videos last fall and "Ma Nishtana? What Difference Does It Make" last Passover, we have created a new immersive media series called "THERE4".

Four is a major number found at the Passover Seder. There are four cups of wine, four questions, four sons, four names of the holiday. As we prepare for Passover we will release four inspirational videos to focus our community on the upcoming holiday. We chose the name THERE4 as it reflects the number four and because Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, z”l, taught us that every teaching must have an impact.

Our THERE4 initiative is a multi-platform educational, spiritual, and communal experience. The first intro video was released on Monday, March 26, and a daily video released each day throughout the week. Enjoy these messages from Rabbi Ed Feinstein -- along with a few materials for your seder. We encourage you to share the videos with your friends and family on social media using #vbsTHERE4.

Scroll down for Passover Resources and Supplements

Watch Rabbi Ed Feinstein's first inspirational video here:


This project has been generously sponsored by the Dr. Bob and Rhoda Barnhard VBS New Media Project.


Seder Guest Fingerprint Tree
Create a keepsake for Passover by providing a record of who attended your seder, while giving your guests the opportunity to reflect on the process of liberation from the moment they arrive at your doorstep.

Seder Table Tent
Take THERE4 home to your seder with this do-it-yourself table tent. Fold in in the middle and stand it up on the table. We've included four questions you can use to start conversations at your seder. Chag Sameach!

VBS Passover Haggadah
Print out a copy of our VBS Passover Haggadah (2016)

Celebrate Passover at VBS
View our Schedule of Services

Rabbi Farkas' Passover Quiz

Rabbi Feinstein's Tips for a Better Seder

Rabbinical Assembly Pesach Guide

Masorti Movement Seder Night Prayer

A Second Seder Plate - Jewish World Watch 

JUDJ Passover Supplement

HIAS Haggadah Supplement

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784