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Erev Shabbat (Friday Night)

An artist cannot be continually wielding his brush.  He must stop at times in is painting to freshen his vision of the object, the meaning of which he wishes to express on canvas,  Living is also an art. … 
The Sabbath represents those moments when we pause in our brush work to renew our vision  of this object.  Having done so, we take ourselves to our painting with clarified vision and renewed energy.  

(Mordecai Kaplan, The Meaning of God in Modern Jewish Thought)

On Friday nights, Valley Beth Shalom is filled with song. 

Every week there is a different type of prayer service that lifts the spirit, engages our culture, and draws families together.

Typical Friday evenings offer Kabbalat Shabbat Minyan in Schulweis Chapel.  Scroll down to the blue footer at the bottom of this page for current times for the evening Minyan service. 

On select Fridays during the year, Cantor Jacqueline Rafii leads Shiru Shabbat, offering a variety of musical melodies for our prayers written by contemporary composers. Shiru Shabbat features involvement by the VBS Youth Choir and other musical organizations in our community.

See the schedule

For more information on any of these services, contact the main office during office hours at 818-788-8000.

Welcome Shabbat on Friday afternoons with Rabbi Ed Feinstein online at 4pm

Learn more

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784